Enersave Control Optimization
There are an abundance of grants home owners or building owners can utilize from Clean BC or NRCan. These grants make all your upgrades feasible and worthwhile allowing you to save more than you pay for the renovations.
Provincial Grants
Clean BC has lots of their incentivized grants distributed through the utility companies like Fortis BC and BC Hydro. There are many rebates to getting improvements in buildings (residentially and commercially). There are even bonus rebates for getting building audits in residential homes as well as a rebate for commercial IEA. Click the link below to access the Fortis BC and BC Hydro rebate page.

Federal Grants
The Federal Program is called the Greener Homes Program. They offer two main programs; one focuses on converting oil furnaces to heat pumps. They will give you up to $10,000 dollars to make the switch. The second program that is more commonly used is the Greener Homes loan. You are eligible for a $40,000 interest free loan from the government. This loan helps you save money on your energy bills while paying down the loan over 10 years.